Today I picked up a copy of The Redwood Review, the local shitty free newspaper that alternates between articles about how God hates fags, and articles condemning terrorism, in the hope that you'll get confused and think that hating fags is morally equivalent to condemning terrorism. Their website is here, but I wouldn't bother.
Point is, I was reading an opinion piece in The Redwood Review. It was pretty coherent, assuming it was true, but then the writer actually said "spending cuts [are] always an unpopular solution."
Now, this is the kind of reality disregarding propaganda technique crap that gets me super pissed off. In fact, conservatives' use of the word "spending" pisses me off. You'll never hear any of them say what the "spending" was actually spent on - implying that somewhere, there is a mysterious Fund For The Inserting Of Money Into Jeff Bingaman's* Anal Cavity and that's the reason schools aren't properly funded. If we just got rid of all the spending, we could probably afford up to date textbooks in our schools!**
*I went to and picked a Democrat at random. I have no idea who he is.
**Here, I almost went on to say something along the lines of "Now we can go on to spend on the important things, like nukes to fight terrorists with and debt and ruining the economy because we're conservatives and that's what we like to do!" It's a good thing I caught myself before the irony killed anyone.