Ok, please forgive me in advance if you can, but I'm going to write something that isn't particularly up to date or original. To compensate, I'm going to use the phrase "giant bulldozer robots," so read carefully.
Has anyone not heard of The Project for a New American Century? If you haven't, just imagine the villains from any cartoon in the 80s, and it's them. I swear, if the people at the PNAC gets any more evil they're going to move on from their current goal of "American world leadership" and just send an army of giant bulldozer robots to cut down all the trees in the land, then use said trees to power a giant laser that they use to shrink famous landmarks around the world.
Don't take my word for it, though, look at their statement of principles. Be sure to read the list of names at the bottom. If you can and do read a newspaper occasionally, a few should look familiar.
Now, read this. Pay attention to the date.
My point is, Iraq had nothing to do with the war on terror. You can debate whether it was a good idea all you like, but stop pretending it had anything to do with anything.