I assume someone else has noticed this by now, but I hadn't until the DNC, when I saw some commentator criticize Kerry for being boring. She kind of pissed me off, but I couldn't explain why. I mean, she wasn't saying anything particularly bad or untrue.
Then I realized that she was the exact same sort of person who would give a "Dean/Gore/etc is a madman/menace/extremist" speech.
Then I realized that it's always the same person. Dammit swing voter types, I already know and accept that you're dumb. Anyone who doesn't know who they are voting for -- at this stage of the campaign -- because they "need more information" is a stupid stupid idiot who just proved themself incapable of reading a candidate's platform or taking an incredibly short test with no possible wrong answers.
But come on. You can't criticize everyone for having strong opinions, then be surprised when the most successful candidate is a boring asshole who plays to the dumbest possible crowd, that crowd being you. You're praying for a Bullworth type hero to destroy the media bullshit that you know exists because the media told you so, but if he came, you'd crap your pants in fear because "he talked sort of loud."